Monday, December 17, 2007

The New Beginning

Blog-city has been a home for my not all together coherent ramblings for the past several years, and I can't say it hasn't been a particularly bad one.  It wasn't marvelous nor was it always free.  We had our good times, our bad times, our highs and lows, but we'll always have our memories, blog-city.  We will always have our memories.

Until you delete them at the start of the new year anyway.  That's right, I'm probably one of several hundreds, if not thousands of refugees flooding in from that site onto this google sponsored one and I'm glad to be welcomed here.  If you don't know, blog-city has decided that giving things away is no longer profitable and have canceled all of there non-paid memberships.  Once the new year rolls around, all of those free pages will be dumped and I among them will have no record of ever being there.  Those years of blogs will be gone from the web unless I decide to transfer them here.  I don't know that I will, frankly, having looked back at those old entries.  They were rife with ancient melodrama which I can hardly relate to anymore.  Though there was a post or two worthy of record, and I may just transfer the worthy ones to my harddrive, the vast majority are now embarrassments of the highest degree. 

I think its best just to start fresh.  

Start fresh with what, you ask?  With the great tradition of nonsense, we've all come to love and ignore out there in internet land.  As you've well observed, most blogs aren't worth the few seconds it takes to scan them, the bulk of them being personal journals, entries of drama, love interests, terrible poetry, random thoughts that last for no more than four sentences, pictures found with stumbleupon, ad infinitum.  I don't think this blog will be of much more interest to you.

For the most part, it will contain my daily writing warm ups; essentially, little more than unconscious swill, seeping out my organs and staining the page via automatic writing.  Should you be interested in such blah-dee-blahs, you're welcome to read it.  I don't mind.  Just don't expect anything profound.  And if you find anything profound, don't expect it to happen again.  If you continuously find profound things in this blog, then I must insist that you consult a physician, as your brain may likely be clotted.

Other times, you might expect a few observations, poems, emotional shake-outs in which I write for the sole purpose of understanding my condition, maybe a photo or two if I feel like it.  Whatever, really.  And nothing special at that.  Interested?  No?  Fantastic.  Then I can begin with the proper anonymity I so enjoy.

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