Thursday, December 20, 2007

Self-Delusion, A Writer's Friend

Some days, I swear, BEG you not to write.  They get down on their hands and knees and say please please please do anything else.  This typically starts early, around the time your eyes first open in the morning.  Any earlier and you'd be asleep and for all I know, it does actually begin in your sleep as an attempt to keep you that way.  It certainly feels like it when you wake up, because damned if I want to get out of bed on these days.  

Never relent.  Procrastinate?  Sure, but never ever relent.  No matter how hard it is to get started on days like this just remember, if you don't write today, tomorrow its going to be twice as hard.  And the day after that?  Four times as hard.  Its a rampant exponential increase in difficulty.  It sucks I know, but this is the life we choose, my fellow writers.  All we can do is carry on.

I've found that it helps me to self-propagandize.  If I allow my negativity to dwell on the subject, if I keep telling myself I don't want to get started, then its likely I won't.  Slowly, I've learned to catch myself in the act of moping about it and turn myself around, if only superficially.  It may sounds silly, sort of like forcing a smile when what you really feel is murderous rage, but it does work.  Its clinically proven folks!  Give it a shot.   The next time you're feeling lethargic and evasive, just tell yourself how you'd love nothing more than to be writing right now.  I love it!  Its fantastic!  There's no greater thrill in life and I'm in complete control over my abilities.  And I look great doing it, too!

Why not?  If you're going down B.S. Avenue you might as well go whole-hog.  Just never admit the truth, that writing is sheer terror, horrifyingly difficult at times, draining of all your essences: physical, spiritual, mental.  Never admit it.  And if you do, recant immediately--like this: 

What I meant to say was that writing is one of the greatest challenges we can present ourselves as intellectuals and as artists.  To create from the raw ether is a majesty reserved only for the few, the bold, courageous, the incredibly stupid who can't do anything else to save their--

Excuse me.  It can be difficult to keep ahead of yourself sometimes.  The point is self-delusion is an invaluable tool at your dispense.  Use it wisely, and by that I mean often.  At some point--maybe--it may even cease to be self-delusion and agitprop.  That would indeed be something.

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